Saturday, March 21, 2009

Movie Breakfasts

One of my favorite breakfasts is from the movie Moonstruck.

It's the morning after Johnny proposes to Loretta and Loretta comes doiwn for breakfast. Rose is making this yummy breakfast.

In a pan w/butter
Two pieces of bread with the centers cut/torn out . My favorite is English Muffin bread- mmmm
Crack one egg into center, cook about 30 seconds or so
CAREFULLY flip and cook until just yolk is sealed

serve with warm roasted bell peppers

Speaking of breakfast movies..

Friday, March 20, 2009

I Skipped "Breakfasts" for Two Years?!

When I started Breakfasts of Champions, I was in the middle of a job search. Well, after being on the job now for nearly two years and a recent reduction in my workweek ( just in time for spring & summer), I'm back.

See ya tomorrow after breakfast.

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

All Nighter

An afternoon nap+ job research= NO SLEEP


So my breakfast was lunch. A freshly made cheeseburger, a bounty of fries and a frosty Thomas Kemper Root Beer at Wedgewood Alehouse and Cafe.


I saw Babette's Feast this morning. I'm inspired to start tomorrow's breakfast. An interesting beer batter crepe- Pâte à Crêpes à la bière

The batter needs to sit for 4 hours up to 1 day.

See you tomorrow...Bright-eyed and bushy-tailed.


Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Chasing the Sun

After spending the morning with my friend Maggie, I decided to have a late breakfast. Although it's quite sunny today, there's still an early spring chill. So, I was inspired to stop by the local Hawaiian cafe, Kona Kitchen, for a bit of tropical fare.

Spam, green onions, and Liz’s BBQ Pork. Served with two scrambled eggs.

It was very tasty. The rice was coated in a kind of teriyaki-style sauce, a nice foil to the bbq pork and Spam.

And now for your listening pleasure, Ladies and Gentlemen.... Don Ho

Monday, March 12, 2007

In the beginning there was...... Breakfast

From pajama-wearing Saturday morning pancakes to weekday morning drive-thru coffee shack runs, breakfast is whatever gets you going in the morning. Now, I know some breakfast purists will balk at coffee alone as breakfast. I take a broader stance; breakfast is the first food or drink of the day that helps you face the day.

I will share my breakfasts and I hope you will too. No judgements here.. cold pizza, half a slab of bacon, green tea and honey.. all breakfasts are welcome.

So, let's get started.

After a weekend of the Pineapple Express, we have a slight reprieve from the rain but it's still a bit gray and cloudy here in Seattle. This morning, I decided to make my own sunshine starting with my breakfast:

3 minute, soft boiled egg

I inherited that nifty little gadget from my mother in-law, a zyliss brand eggshell puncher. It makes a tiny hole in the eggshell but using a small straight pin works well.

Broiled organic grapefruit
cup of French Roast coffee with soy milk
2 slices of multigrain toast with butter


What did you have?

Happy Breakfasts!